
Lithivm poster

The plot of the film:

Hanna Schuman interns as a journalist at an evening paper. She gets in contact with a serial killer, at the same time she's trying to escape from her psychopathic boyfriend, Martin.

Director: David Flamholc
Screenplay: David Flamholc
Premiere: 28 August 1998
Length: 2.07

Actor Character
Agnieszka Kosón Hanna Schuman
Fredrik Dolk Dan Tingström
Johan Widerberg Martin
Pierre Boutros Jens
Yvonne Lombard Hasse
Lina Perned Marianne
Björn Granath Henrik Laurentsson
Marika Lagercrantz Margareta Tingström
Göran Forsmark Werner
Ola Wahlström Greidner
Måns Westfelt Birger, the lawyer
Kent-Arne Dahlgren Sten, head of the unemployment office
Simon Paulsson Filip
Christer Holmgren Stefan

Intervju med Agniezka Kosón i Entré en bilaga till Hallandsposten

Artikel från Cinema augusti 1998


– I was prepared to do anything, unseen, after seeing David's debut film ”Vackert väder”. He showed such obvious signs of talent, it's a film that's filled with that kind of youthful energy and power, that practically no films have these days.
Johan about the director David Flamholc

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